The control chip controls the indicator light circuit and the button circuit through an I/ O port for realizing the function of man-machine switching. 控制芯片通过I/O口控制指示灯电路和按键电路,实现人机交换功能;
Press your pen button and then press down on the image of the light bulb. If you pressed the button correctly, you will see an option to turn on the light bulb. 请按一下笔的按钮,然后按下电灯泡的图像。如果您按的按钮正确,您会看见打开电灯的选项。
If we choose to, we can add more highlight points by clicking the New light button. 如果我们选择,我们可以添加更多的强调点,按一下新的轻按钮。
The modelling light is triggered with the manual firing button. 模特儿'闪光以手动引闪按键启用。
The spotlight and physical light shaders have a button to easily match the cone angle to the maya setting. 聚光灯的灯光的锥形角度(照射范围角度)和物理灯光材质通过一个按钮可以轻易的匹配。
In the experiments the light sensors were linked up to a camera installed on the user's head, but the researchers hope that one day it will be as small as a button. 试验中的光敏感元件需佩戴于头部,但研究人员希望有朝一日其大小可同按钮媲美。
Test the printer. Wait until the ready light is illuminated and press the Go button. 测试打印机。等到就绪指示灯点亮后,按执行按钮。